WebAfrica Login

WebAfrica login opens up a door to high speed internet connectivity for you all across South Africa. The terms and conditions of the connection are pretty straightforward and allow you to benefit from excellent internet services. For further details on how to register and login to your account, keep reading down below. 

WebAfrica Login Account Registration

  • Go to https://www.WebAfrica.co.za/ and enter your home address in the given field. Click “Check Availability”.
  • The website will run a quick check on whether or not your home area is covered by WebAfrica. Within a few minutes it will notify which services are available in your area.
  • Fill out the registration form appearing at the bottom of the page and click “Let Me Know”.
  • The officials will process your request and complete your registration process. 

WebAfrica Login Account 

  • Go to https://www.WebAfrica.co.za/ and click “Login”.
  • Feed your email address and password in the respective fields and click “Login” to access your account dashboard. 

WebAfrica Login Forgot Password

  • Go to https://www.WebAfrica.co.za/ and click “Login”.
  • Click “Lost Your Login Details?”.
  • Enter your email address in the given field and choose a mode of recovery i.e., email or SMS.
  • Click “Submit”. 
  • You will receive an OTP pin via email or SMS, whichever recovery method you opted for. Input this pin on the screen to reset the old password.
  • Set up a new password and save changes.
  • Login with the new password.

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