Stuvia Login

Stuvia login is the best platform for buying and selling study resources including notes and study guides. You may even get study texts for your courses at reasonable prices. For details on how to register and login to your account dashboard, keep on reading down below. 

Stuvia Login Account Registration

  • Go to and click “Login”. 
  • Click “Sign Up Now, It’s Free”. 
  • Enter your email address and password and click “Create My Profile”. 
  • You will receive an OTP via email, input it on the screen to verify your new account. 

Stuvia Login Account 

  • Go to a click “Login”. 
  • Input your email address and click “Login” again to access your portal dashboard. 

Stuvia Login Forgot Password

  • Go to a click “Login”. 
  • Click “Forgot Your Password?”. 
  • Enter your email address in the field and click “Mail Password”. 
  • You will receive an email with an OTP pin. Input it on the screen to reset your old password.
  • Set up a new password and save changes.
  • Login using your old password.  

Stuvia Sell Notes Login

  • Go to and click “Sell”. 
  • Click “Start Selling”. 
  • Input your login credentials in the respective fields and click “Login”. 
  • Click the “Sell” tab of the dashboard and make an offer to sell your notes. 
  • Make sure to set reasonable prices and wait for the buyers to get in touch with you. 

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